Guys like to act tough. They talk and act hard. They lift weights and get tattoos so that people will be intimidated by how tough they are. And usually, it works! That is, until they begin praying. Let me explain. A population exists of tough guys, who prior to opening their mouth to pray, speak with a tough and grizzled voice. Their voice is deep and frightening. Yet, when they pray, their voice raises by 3 octaves. The speak as if training for a sex change. These gnarled men say "thee's" and "thou's" and use a vocabulary of 19th century British nobility. And then, "Amen" is uttered and they return to speaking like the tough and gritty person they have always portrayed themselves to be. It is an interesting thing indeed. If you have not aware of this phenomenon, I encourage to keep your ears open, because you will hear it sooner or later. You will hear what is now familiar to my ears...the tough guys who prays like a sissy.
And if I haven't ruined public prayer for you already, come back tomorrow!
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