Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Some people think being a youth pastor is easy. Some have suggested that all I do is read the bible, hang with students, and go out to eat. That's not entirely false, but what they fail to understand is the physical strain that youth pastors subject their bodies too. Similar to an NFL player, youth pastors put their bodies on the line, week in and week out! So, to bring awareness of youth ministry related injuries, I dedicate this week to my favorite injuries that have occurred while being in youth ministry!

#4. Flip-Flop

Once upon a time I was helping at a youth group. There were three gymnasts who attended. One evening, prior to playing our game, they were doing gymnast stuff. You know, just running around, doing flips and twists and rolls on the grassy lawn. In a moment of brilliance, I decided I would run across the grass, spring off of my hands and impress these students with my fancy moves. I've watched plenty of Olympics, I'm pretty athletic, and I got Romanian blood in me, so this stuff should come naturally to me, right? So, I ran across the grass, initiated the cartwheel and sprung off of my hands. I was in the air and realized I have never been in this position in my life. I did know if I was flipping or twisting. Only God knows what my body was doing in the air. I came crashing down to earth, landing firmly on my back. Realizing that it was foolish to try something I had no training for, I hobbled away from the field. It took a few weeks to recover from that fall. Never again did I try something so foolish.

Come back tomorrow for #3 on my list!

1 comment:

  1. And I thought all you did was double book and play games with the youth. Well, hey, I'm old, and I used to take the women hiking until no one would go with Diane and I anymore. Why do you think that was? I guess they thought we were crazy women. I have no sympathy, Ryan. lol
