Friday, February 28, 2014

What It Means To Be A Youth Pastor

Being a youth pastor is great! My favorite part about being a youth pastor is meeting new people, and upon finding out that I am a pastor, they make some vain attempt to justify my vocation. Here are some of my favorites, including one I heard last night.

1. by awkward silence).

2. So you just hang out with kids for a living?

3. And you went to graduate school for how long to do that?

4. Well, just as long as you are happy....

5. When are you going to get a real job?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

When Grace Fails...

An excerpt from my speech to the students playing in the Winter Camp Flag Football Tournament:

"This weekend we have been talking a lot about God's grace and how your identity is in him. The speaker has talked about things like win or lose, you are His and that is all that matters...well right now, that is a bunch of crap. You guys go out there and win this thing or don't come to youth group on Wednesday."

Not a bad job of coaching if I do say so myself. Back to back champs baby!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Winter Camp Win

Having recently returned from Winter Camp with the students, it is natural to reflect on the weekend that was. And it was an amazing weekend with much to share that will hopefully stir up laughter for my loyal readers!

But today starts with a post that is more serious in nature. Nevertheless, I hope your heart is made glad and you smile largely, for this past weekend, two students accepted Christ. And frankly, nothing more needs to be said other than this; God is good.