Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Not many of you know this, but I suffer from a mental illness known as PYDS (Post Yuletide Depression Syndrome). While common among adults, it is especially common in young children. I don't think it is in the DSM-IV yet, but it will only be a matter of time before clinicians worldwide embrace it's prevalence.

And every year around this time it kicks in. The knowledge that there will be no more gifts, eggnog, or Christmas carols for 11 months is too much for my psyche to bear. As a result, I slump into a depression. I mope around the house. I spend some time with the Christmas tree, but it brings me no satisfaction. I look at the socks and sweaters that I got for Christmas, but those do not bring joy either. It is a tough time. New Years Eve parties can occasionally temper the depression, but often they are a temporary fix. The depression finally begins to subside in early May, when the longer days and warmer weather distract from the loss of Christmas. Attention is turned to the summer and the hopes of experiencing the "best summer ever."

So my friends, be patient with me. Forgive me of any grumpiness and please overlook my lack of interest in you. It is not that I don't care, it is just that I suffer from this terrible disease. I understand that you want to help. While prayers are appreciated, a constant stream of wrapped gifts and Christmas themed treats just might break me out of this depression. Thanks for all of your love and support. I know with your help, we can beat Post Yuletide Depression Syndrome.


  1. I too suffer from this disorder. I sometimes like to watch "It's a wonderful life" and "white Christmas" just to bring back the yuletide feeling. I continue to play Christmas music, but I also feel sad, almost despair that the season is over. When in the lowest of dumps, I like to sniff the chrismas tree and hope that the pine will never brown and die.....

  2. It's a tough thing to endure...glad I'm not the only one suffering from it.
