A few years ago, a certain beer company ran a commercial series called "Real Men of Genius." The series highlighted an individual with some peculiar characteristic and then made up a satirical song about that individual. If curious, a simple YouTube search will fill you in. While the series was good for a few chuckles, I haven't thought much about it in some time. In talking with a few friends, that commercial series popped up in conversation. Naturally, I thought of Bald Wisdomizing it and doing a Real Men of Ministry series.
Now, what kind of people are deserving of such a title? Well, even though I have not been in vocational ministry that long, I have witnessed people who are not in vocational ministry boast to those who do work in the church about all the great things they do in ministry. Now, I am confident that many of these people are doing some good work, but I cannot help but chuckle when they try to impress me or another church worker/pastor about their stories of great ministry exploits.
For example, I am standing in a line with some other chap. We make small talk and he eventually asks what I do for a living. My general response is "I work with students in the church." Generally, the person will feign a smile and say "oh that's cool," but not this time. I have unknowingly opened Pandora's Box and this is now a license for this bloke to tell me about every ministry deed he has done. Even though he is an electrician from Modesto and is in town visiting family, he is sure to let me know that he holds the keys to the Kingdom...and if I only I could just see all that he does back at his home church.
Now, don't get me wrong, I love hearing about how God is using other people in the Kingdom. I've learned a lot from hearing the stories of others. But, it is never hard to tell when someone is sharing with me his or her exploits because they want me to either validate them or be impressed with them. While I play it cool, it always makes me laugh inside, and so now, I want to share with you, the loyal Bald Wisdomaniac (can someone put that on a T-Shirt?), some of my favorite "Real Men of Ministry" moments. Oh, and do not worry, at Bald Wisdom, we do not discriminate! I will certainly highlight you women as well!
So, starting next week, sit back at get ready to salute the Real Men (and women) Of Ministry!
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