Sometimes I go visit other churches. I always ask to see their youth room. That way I can secretly judge how cool or lame they are based on what their youth room looks like.
Sometimes I go visit other churches. I like to see how stocked their food pantry is. That way I can secretly judge whether they love the community as much as my church does.
Sometimes I go visit other churches. I like to see if they have a large grassy area for students to play on. That way I can secretly spray grass killer on the lawn because I'm jealous that our church doesn't have a grassy area.
Sometimes I go visit other churches. I like to hear their musicians play. That way I can compare their worship band to my church's worship band.
Sometimes I go visit other churches. I like to look at the people sitting in their pews. That way I can secretly judge them for not being like me and going to church for all the right reasons.
I like visiting other churches, too. I am secretly hoping that one of the Sunday School teachers will tell me what a delight it was to have my children in her class, and ask if she could possibly babysit them for a few hours while my husband and I go out to lunch and catch a movie. It's hasn't happened yet, but I keep hoping!