Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Mixed Messages

Having been to several pastor/leadership conferences as well as reading books on the subject, improving as a leader is more complicated than I had thought. Depending on who you ask, what you read, or who you listen to, the messages can be quite contradictory.

Here are some examples.

1. Always be yourself. Unless you are not very good. Then be someone else.

2. People are messy and change is slow, but if there are problems in the church, it is the fault of the pastor/leader.

3. People don't remember your sermons. Rather, they will remember you by your interaction with them, but make sure you at spend at least 20 hours a week preparing a sermon (quite possibly the most antisocial activity a pastor can engage in).

4. Good leaders have strong boundaries, but bad leaders say "that's not my job."

5. A good leader gets things done at all costs, but a bad leader puts ministry ahead of family.

I hope you are all as confused as I am.

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