Thursday, February 21, 2013

Facebook Spirituality

For those who frequent Facebook, you have undoubtedly come across pictures similar to the one shown here.

Since I kept scrolling, apparently I love Satan. I apologize for this inconvenience, as it probably will hinder my ministry. I thought I loved Jesus and I thought I was doing a good job of serving the kingdom, but that all came crashing down as I unsanctimoniously scrolled down the facebook page.  What is also concerning to me is the fact that I look like Satan. Perhaps we are related? Maybe this explains why I couldn't share the photo as I had some sort of subconscious awareness of our familial ties.

Nonetheless, I am sure this new found love for the devil comes as a shock to you all. I sincerely apologize and will try to overcome this new found infatuation with Satanas!


  1. I noticed the resemblance at once! Kinda freaky, Ryan. Please let the elders know if you need any laying on of hands, or maybe some annointing with oil.

  2. Haha you look exactly like him! Doppelganger!

  3. Kudos for using the word doppelganger!
